Student Blogs

Easter Break, Bittersweet Nostalgia, One Year Reflection and My Mum.

April 2nd, 2013 ddluu15

So recently we (the people at Holy Cross) got another break. It was Easter break and I got some time off to lollygag and I spent that time mostly playing games with my friends and connecting with them. I went out with one of my really good friend’s Kevin to eat Mexican food and later have bubble tea (really odd combination, I know). Then break ended, and the Sunday before I came back, my mom made a nice vietnamese meal for me complimented by Paris by Night. For those of you who don’t know what “Paris by Night” is, (here’s the wikipedia aritcle) it is basically this live comedy show that the Vietnamese people hold and make fun of daily things. A bit similar to a minstrel show or SNL, with a live set and a lot of sketch comedy.

As a first generation student growing up, I grew up with this on the TV that my parents and grandma would watch to get a laugh out of and it was there way of entertainment. I only watched a clip with my mum and I felt a bittersweet nostalgia in the back of my head. I was eating this really good Vietnamese food, yet I was looking back at when when my mom yelled at me to eat my veggies and yelling at me to eat more fruit (she still does) and all of our heated arguments with each other as I was growing up (I still am growing). I was younger back then and only watching and not really enjoying Paris by Night and would go through tantrums, whine, and complain how it was boring. When I look back though, I didn’t have the patience to put up with it to make my mum happy and I didn’t really see her being all alone as she is now (with my sister in college this year, my mom is home alone and just works all day). So I’ve changed in a sense where I can go to temple without throwing a huge fit and will sit through it for the sake of my mum and I’ll put up with her yelling at me to eat more and listen to what she has to say. I really love my mom and wish I could do something more to show her I really appreciate her work aside from just my grades, but I guess my little gestures she’d appreciate. My mum, if you didn’t know, is basically a super mom and has a done a whole lot for me and my sister despite our circumstances. I’ll have more to write about her later.

Artichoke soup, asparagus and mushrooms, garlic and salmon in some kind of special sauce, and chicken in a special delicious sauce all eaten with rice (when I say special, I mean I don’t know the exact name of the sauces that my mom puts into these things to make them good).

All of this thinking and me being introspective (sort-of) got me thinking how much time has flown by and I don’t even know what I was doing Easter break last year with my time and how so much has changed. The classes are still tough, there seems to be more deadlines than from what I remember last year, and there are much more different things in my life now than last year. The person who I’d just occasionally talk to across the hall from where I’d live last year is now my roommate, the person who I knew nothing about in the beginning of last summer is now one of my closest friends whom I know much more about, and my RA this year who grew from someone who shared a few mutual interests with me to someone where I hold tea/wine/jazz sessions with and moved my desk in his room. These three people (and my professors) have probably made my Holy Cross life much more enriched and entertaining from last year, so I’d just like to thank them, the three J’s, J-man, J-dawg, and J-son. Then there is also my SO, T, who has put with my shenanigans for three years now and she’s probably shaped me more than anyone else through my time on the hill.

I’ll have more posts about my mum, the three Js, and the SO to come later. I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Easter weekend for those of you who are Christian, and just a normal weekend for everyone else who doesn’t celebrate a bunny and egg day, or just a break.



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