Student Blogs

End Of Sophomore Year

May 21st, 2013 ddluu15

Hi Everyone, So it’s been a week since I have officially been done with school.

Finals all went okay, my physiological psychology final could have gone better but I’d say everything else was fine. Grades came back and I ended the semester with all Bs except for Cell Bio where I ended up with a B+. I have yet to receive my English grade but as far as this semester and last, I did much better this semester.

So what are my plans for the summer? I think I am mainly going to get enjoying my summer break but still be looking out for some internships or looking to see if I can get into research anywhere. I will be working part-time at the YMCA still covering people’s shifts and teaching swim lessons here and there. I don’t have anything big this summer like I did last summer where I stayed on campus and did summer research. I hope I’m going to also get a chance to shadow a doctor at some point. I’m still working out my summer plans and we’ll see where I go from there. I think I’m at a point where I’m starting to just chill and relax to just do things that I enjoy. Caring about your grades is one thing but not letting that stress and anxiety take over you is also important.

I am kind of excited and not excited for next semester to start. I’m excited because I’m going to be taking sign language as my language requirement and I have always wanted to learn how to sign. I’ll also be living with 3 other guys in Loyola and we’re going to have a good time. I’ll be able to bring my crummy car up and I’ll be able to explore around Worcester more and do more things off campus. I’ll also be a junior, 3rd year, at Holy Cross. Time really flies by fast when you’re having fun. There is only 2 more years of college left and there’s so much left to do. At the same time however, I’m also looking forward to this summer as I’ll actually be able to hang out with my friends and catch up on our shenanigans. Okay, now I’m just getting nostalgic but I really cherish my friends and they’re all really great in hanging around me.

Well there is most of my summer plans, I hope you guys enjoy your summer! What are your plans, are you doing anything special?



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