Student Blogs

First Semester Comes to an End.

December 22nd, 2011 ddluu15

So as the title says, I surived the first semester of my freshman year! I finished finals and classes so everyone is all over. As a recap on what it’s like studying for finals. For this semester what we had was a 3 day study period before our finals started. What this means is that we had our last class on Friday and then we had three days until Tuesday where our finals begin. I felt really rushed about this and wish we would have had a longer study/reading period. I did pretty well on my finals and everything was okay, but I just feel that we should have had the weekend off to ourselves to relax and not use for studying. Anyways, I would hope for a longer study break during the coming semesters.

Regardless, school is done and you know what that means? A 1 month break!! What are you guys going to be doing over your breaks? All I have planned right now is working at my bank, Central Bank. My bank is pretty awesome because I won their $1k scholarship and work for them as a teller. I’m also going to cover shifts at my local YMCA because I’ve been there for around 4 years now, and I owe the Y a lot because they provided me with tons of working experience. I also hope to make more connections at hospitals and get connected with people that would help me in my career with medicine. I’ll also update the blog a lot more, because I have a lot of free time to write and update you guys on my daily life.

Hopoe all is well and happy holidays!  As always you can ask me any questions you’d like to know and I’ll answer them on Friday if I get any.

Dan Luu

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