Student Blogs

New Year and Reading

January 6th, 2012 ddluu15

Hey everyone, happy New Years!  What’s great about being in college right now is the break. Everyone is back in high school, and here I am, writing my blog. I’m working as a bank teller and doing a lot of reading.

I get to catch up on my books and manga (Japanese comics) during this break. Some great books to read: The Giver by Lois Lowry, and Paper Towns by John Green (Just recently finished these). John Green is an amazing author, and he also wrote one of my favorite books, Looking For Alaska , which is about a boy who loves memorizing last words of famous people, and the story revolves around his life with this girl Alaska. The book is all around awesome, and it had a profound impact on my life.

 John Green also makes videos with his brother Hank Green on YouTube known as the vlogbrothers and they have a community of followers known as “nerdfighters” and follow a strong motto DFTBA (don’t forget to be awesome) . I’m going to see John this coming Tuesday (1/10/12) to John’s book tour with his brother for his newest book The Fault in Our Stars with my friends, and I”m really excited to read the book and to see him on tour.

Just thought I’d give you guys an update on what’s happening in my life in this New year. Hope you all start our the New Year strong and get started on those New Years resolutions, I’m just happy I have some time for reading!


Dan Luu

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