Student Blogs

My Time Back – An Overview of My 4 Classes (small) and pictures!

February 11th, 2012 ddluu15

Hey guys,

So I am back on campus and I’ve spent a good amount of time in my classes. So far so good and I should have probably updated this earlier, but I am taking the time out now to do it before everything gets too hectic. Few updates I’ll show you now:

1. My Bio class is split into two Botany and Zoology. The class I’m currently taking is Botany and it’s a very interesting class, especially the labs. I got to eat and try new foods.. I ate cyano-bacteria popcorn.. and a lot of algae. I’ll be continuing to try new things as time progresses throughout my six weeks in botany before I switch over to Zoology.

All these types of algae I’ve tried during my biology lab. The seaweed typically found in sushi tasted best to me, the others were really strong and had a bold taste. I’m not used to it, but I can see why some people would like to eat it a lot. :

Different Types of Edible Algae

I ate this, and it tasted really good, the cyanobacteria (dried) turns out to be actually really good for you! I highly recommend this for those looking for a better alternative to buttered popcorn

Cyanobacteria on Popcorn

The was what was on the popcorn and it tasted good. You can these from a Whole Foods are some other healthy store? I’m not too sure other than Whole Foods.

Species of cyanobacteria

2. Math is a bit new to me, as I’m in calculus 2 now and the concepts are getting slightly harder, so we will see how that stands.

3. I am taking Organic Chemistry and so far.. I haven’t dropped out yet, but then again it’s nothing super super new that I am super foreign to, so I will also have to wait until the first test before I see any results.

4. My Montserrat is on ethical consumption this semester and so far, in my opinion much better than last semester. The class teaches us how to consume ethically and how we can make an impact with our dollar. I’m currently in the process of writing a book review on Branded! “How the ‘Certification Revolution’ is Transforming Global Corporations” by Michael E. Conroy, and it will be posted up onto my class’s website. I’ll update you guys on it when the reviews come out. I also did something called the money experiment in class where we were tested on how much we actually worship something we created and how fixated we are on money, whether money is more important to us than real value things. I was 1 of 5 who actually ripped the dollar for the experiment without any second thought because 1 dollar doesn’t have any value to me. People have wasted money, more than a dollar many times in their life and when it comes to physically ripping it, people can’t do it. Fortunately for me, I was raised to worship things more than money, like putting my values in love, family, friends, and my own pursuit of happiness.

Here’s a dollar ripped; how much did you really value money? (Aside from being really poor and needing the money but if that were the case I don’t think you’d be able to read my post)  Honestly, how many times have you wasted money before? Was it more than a dollar? Or was it less? You would probably be more willing to use it now to a better cause that you see it being ‘wasted’ but really, would you have done that otherwise yourself (ie. actually gone out to give a poor homeless person a dollar?)

Anyways that was a bit recap of what has been going on the last two weeks. I hope I can keep this up more, but sometimes it’s hard you know? Nevertheless, I won’t stop posting for those who read!

Dan Luu

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