Student Blogs

Spring Break

March 9th, 2012 ddluu15

Hey everyone, so I’m back on campus.. I spent most of my break watching The Big Bang Theory (TBBT) which I recently got into. TBBT is basically a nerdy show that highlights the coolness of nerdom and being smart. Although I’ve been caught up in TBBT, I ended up procrastinating my studies so I’m going to have to do that and get ready for my test on Monday in Organic Chemistry. Aside from that let me hit up a couple of things.

Going back I got to eat some of my mom’s delicious food. She made some Pho, a Vietnamese noodle dish that tastes very yummy. Have you guys ever had it?

.My large bowl of Pho! Yummy.

Second Photo I took, I couldn’t decide which one was better.

Some other things I did over break was work at the YMCA in my hometown Woburn and catch up with some of my friends. Other than that, I wasn’t very productive.. I’ll keep you all updated soon!


Dan Luu

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