Student Blogs

Sophomore Year Has Started! (Intro)

September 21st, 2012 ddluu15

Hey everyone, been a month, things have been hectic since I got back on campus and all the students are here. I don’t have much time at the moment, but hopefully you will get another update from me within this weekend. To basically summarize this semester so far, I’ll tell you what I am doing.
I’m taking Genetics with a 3 hour lab

Continuing with Organic Chemistry 2 with a 4 hour lab

Taking Intro to Psychology

Taking Intro to Sociology

TA the intro biology course lab! (3 hour lab)

andddd I’m continuing my research as a volunteer (not paid unfortunately) because I found my lab and lab mates super awesome. I’ll also give you an update on the Summer Research Symposium, I meant to post that sooner. I have a lot of things on my plate, but I promise I will try to get it all written down for you!
Bare with me while I’m still settling,


Dan Luu

One Response to “Sophomore Year Has Started! (Intro)”

  1. Giulia Arostegui says:

    Dan, thank you for keeping us up to date with your blog. It is so helpful. Don’t forget to take some breaks at Haiku.

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